Licores Fayal
FAYAL Spirits and Liqueurs Official Online shop
Historically, spirits from the Canary Islands (called “parra”) have been consumed and produced. The Insular Distillery facilities where FAYAL liquors are made, were put into operation in 2003 by the Island Council and Bodegas Insulares, the year in which the first brandy called FAYAL was obtained, years later new elaborations were incorporated and allows the production of brandy and high-quality Canarian liqueurs subject to strict quality controls.
After the process of harvesting and elaborating the wines of Bodegas Insulares, the high-quality orujos from their harvests are rigorously selected, processed and distilled by Destilería Insular and bottled under the FAYAL brand, converted into exquisite liqueurs of Orujo, Herbs, Pennyroyal and Canary Island brandy. The schnapps used in the distillation comes exclusively from the winery itself.