Maxorata Sheep Cheese 1300 g

- 22.50 €
- Brand: Quesos Maxorata
- Reference: 7329932351171216
- Availability: In Stock
Sheep Cheese Maxorata ball 1300g
Tasting Notes: describe a ivory yellow cheese, characteristic smell of goat cheese at room temperature, developed flavor, creamy, slightly sweet, spicy and toasted, cut pasta compact, creamy texture and yellowish-brown bark.
Shape: Ball
Weight approx.: 1400 a 1200 g.
R.S.I.: 15.00852/GC
EXP: 3 months from packaging.
Cheese from Fuerteventura: There are references to the presence of goats in Fuerteventura before the conquest of Brittany and Normandy. Between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries are numerous records of the Cabildo of the island where the cheese is mentioned. Only be described as cheese or cheese Majorero Fuerteventura which is covered by the PDO Cheese Majorero and certified by its Regulatory Board. Historically, cheese has been a staple of major-ro closely linked to its economy. Indeed, there is a popular saying that illustrates the importance of cheese in the island, and which states that "there are more goats than majoreros Fuerteventura. It is a cylindrical cheese that weighs between 1 and 6 kilos and stands out in its appearance to have borders with a drawing of the sera (Litigation - part-time job), traditionally made of woven palm leaves or other materials. The soft cheeses are white and cured of yellowish-brown. The cortex may smeared with paprika, olive oil or gofio, taking a characteristic appearance. The paste is compact when cut, with slightly spicy and acidulous taste. Generally no eyes, although some may appear small.
PDO Cheese Majorero: To ensure excellence in Fuerteventura cheese production in 1996 establishing the Council of the Designation of Origin Cheese Majorero, which controls strict compliance with all the required standards as to the origin, the optimal material quality premium and the processes of development and maturation of the cheese. It is the first cheese with denomination of origin of the Canaries and the first Protected Designation of Origin goat cheese from Spain.
For further information on Canary cheeses see